Alternative Names & Variations: Mild Steel, Carbon Steel, Low/Medium/High-Carbon Steel

Color: Gray Metallic

Hardness: Range from Low-Carbon to High-Carbon Steel

Sustainability Status: Moderately Sustainable. Steel production involves carbon emissions

Characteristics: Steel, also known as carbon steel, is a versatile material extensively used across industries. Its composition primarily includes iron and carbon. From low to high carbon, steel offers a spectrum of strength and hardness.

Steel is known for its formability, weldability, and suitability for heat treatment to modify mechanical properties. Steel is employed in various applications, from structural components to cutting tools, due to its cost-effectiveness and adaptability.


  • Within the metal materials, mild steel is more affordable for the strength it provides than many other alloy metals because it is made up of mostly iron and carbon.

  • Medium and high carbon steels can be heat-treated, enhancing properties like strength and wear resistance.

  • Carbon steel is weld-able, which is a more strong and permanent bond between components than other mechanical joinery methods

  • Because of its strength and varying production methods, carbon steel finds application in many diverse industries, showcasing its adaptability as a construction material.


  • Rust can form from oxygenation and humidity if not properly surface treated or finished.

  • New steel production often carries environmental consequences such as carbon emissions, affecting overall sustainability. Though we cannot deny that steel is a readily available and commonly used material.

  • Low Carbon Steel is not heat-treatable, which is a process used to harden medium and high carbon steel. High Carbon Steel can become brittle and stiff, making it hard to form and weld.